360 Platform
The RPrime 360 platform is a representation of our mission in action. The web-based platform enables individuals to seek resources and connect with others to address challenges they are facing.
The platform will be applied to many use cases as we continue to expand capability. Much like the consumer experiences of Netflix and Amazon, the 360 platform personalizes the user’s needs based on the input they provide. Over time and leveraging AI the platform will connect across use cases with a connected backbone, enabling users to navigate challenges across the platforms and connect with community.
Our three-step approach to providing support can build community and momentum to helping others solve problems across a variety of challenges.
Leverage diagnostic tools (where appropriate, clinically validated) to support users in narrowing their specific needs.
Leverage a verified list of resources, programs, and (where appropriate) providers to curate applicable options based on the responses to the diagnostic tools.
Provides community forums to foster discussion and support across those with lived experience facing similar challenges.